Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego


Benefits of Membership...

Join other machine knitters for support and fun!

Practice and learn new techniques at our educational seminars and monthly workshops!

Receive the Scrap n’ Ravel, our monthly newsletter!

Buy or sell used equipment easily!

Attend our educational events at a reduced price!

Membership for 12 months is only $35!

If you are renewing your membership or would like to become a member, you may pay online using your PayPal account or a credit card. If you would prefer to mail a check, please make the check payable to “The Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego” (MKGSD). First time members, please fill out the Membership form and email for her mailing address to send your check and membership form. Existing members: please contact if your address or other information has changed. Thank you!

If you would like to become a member:

Membership Dues: $35 (plus $1.77 transaction fee)

Family Membership Dues: $45 (plus $2.13 transaction fee)

First Time Member Dues (Join Oct-Dec discounted membership): $25.00 (plus $1.41 transaction fee) First time Members only.

First Time Member Dues (Join Jan-Mar for half year discounted membership): $20.00 (plus $1.23 transaction fee)  First time Members only.

First Time Member Dues (Join April-June discounted membership): $10.00 (plus $.87 transaction fee) First time Members only.