Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego

Guild News

Ria Burns
February 1,  2025

Hi, I’m Ria.
I design and make local wool knitwear, grow and work with natural dye plants, and provide
education in natural dyes and British wool via my workshops, book and research projects.

Ria did a demo for us on February 1 showing her techniques for dying.  

Diana Sullivan Two-Day Workshop  — Zoom Only
January 4-5, 2025

Diana did a two-day workshop on Necklines and Neckbands.  She is a wonderful demonstrator and teacher and it was great for the beginning knitter as well as a great refresher for the more seasoned knitters.  We very much enjoyed her workshop.

December 9, 2024

168 items were collected at the Holiday party. A total of 174 items were available for the holidays. Our total for the year is over 200 items.  On Dec. 9th,  5 organizations came to her house,  a nursing home, young mom’s and 3 assisted living homes.  They “shopped” for their clients in Barbie’s “store”.   She also gave 3 hats to Angel Tree for kids with incarcerated parents. She also worked from 8:30 to 1 am to sew on 16 sets of wheelchair covers to surprise the residents when they got up in the morning. This brought a lot of cheer. They will be recycled as lap blankets when they come off the chairs for laundering. Barbie has zero reserves and is ready to accept items. She knows all is truly appreciated due to her close interaction with the recipients.  All is welcome from squish balls to sweaters. 

Diana Sullivan Holiday Demo — Zoom Only
November 2, 2024

Diana showed an ingenious way for knitting a sock that was completely finished on the machine without using a ribber or sewing up seams.  Here’s a link to her YouTube channel demonstrating how to make this sock.

She also demonstrated a beautiful fringed shawl completely done on the machine.  

Mary Matz Holiday Workshop — Zoom Only
October 5 & 6, 2024

Mary Matz began publishing knitting and crochet patterns in her weekly column Twisted Yarns back in the 1990’s.

Since then, ideas keep flowing and yarn keeps twisting upon her hooks and needles. Fast forward and 30 years later, Twisted Yarns makes its debut on the web! Its sole purpose is to share thoughts, ideas, experiences and patterns related to knitting and crochet. 

An avid knitter (both hand and machine) and crochet artist, Mary offers her audience a wealth of knowledge with a fun-loving “twist” on these fiber arts


In an effort to get more people interested in machine knitting and promote our craft, we participated again by doing demonstrations at 

Emy’s Yarns
261 Broadway,
Chula Vista, CA 91910

September 26-28, 2024:
Thursday -Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

Zoom only demonstration – September 7, 2024

About Kandy Diamond


Kandy is a member of the Fashion Knitwear team within the Fashion, Knitwear and Textile Design department. She is joint module leader for the first year of the BA (Hons) Fashion Knitwear Design and Knitted Textiles course and teaches across the BA knitwear and textiles programmes.

Career overview 

After studying for a BSc in textile design and specialising in knitwear, Kandy launched her label, ‘Knit and Destroy’ (, in 2006. She has sold her knitted accessories and homewares nationally and internationally. Crafting products that blur the lines between product and art, Kandy has made a natural progression to making non-wearable art pieces as well as products, with work that aims to challenge cultural preconceptions by offering an alternative representation of knitting; creating pieces that are at odds with the embedded stereotype. Kandy is also very active within the resurging DIY contemporary craft movement, delivering workshops and publishing craft zines.

Kandy’s designs have been featured in books including State of Craft by Victoria Woodcock and Craftedermy  by Tracy Benton and Ziggy Hanaor. In 2013 Kandy  released ‘Knit and Destroy…gets handy!’, a book containing 20 hand-knit patterns of Kandy’s designs.

Kandy Diamond has 9 years’ experience in lecturing and over 10 years’ experience as a knitted textile designer/maker, with expertise in knitted textiles giving her an in depth understanding of machine knitting across domestic and industrial equipment. Kandy has lectured in knitted textiles in both FE and HE across a range of programmes, giving a broad scope to her lecturing experience.


August 3, 2024 

Victoria Salmon

We had a very interesting demo on origami  knitting with wonderful textures and looks.

Victoria is originally from the middle of nowhere in the South West of England and moved to the Northern City of Manchester to study at the Manchester School of Art.

Working late into the damp nights in her back-street studio space, she worked for TV, film and theatre on commissions big and small including names such as Netflix, the BBC, ITV and animators Mackinnon and Saunders.

During this time she also lectured for fashion and knit at Manchester School of Art and Bradford College.

Heading back to education, she moved into the middle of nowhere in Sweden to study her Masters in Fine Arts. A specialism within knitted textiles, Victoria created intricate three dimensional textile forms on both domestic and industrial machines.

With purposes for sound absorption, lighting design, or purely to textiles play and to interact with, her knits focus around strong visuals, intricate surface textures and folding techniques to create self-supporting and self-folding forms. You can download her thesis following the link to the right.

She was employed at The Swedish School of Textiles as a knit teaching technician working with BA, MA, PhD Researchers and external clients on hand driven machines and programming and knitting on Stoll (Stoll M1+ programming) and Shima Seiki (APEX programming).

Victoria has since returned to Manchester to set up Another Knitted Thing as a full time knit studio working with her world leading APEX programming and Shima Seiki knitting machine for independent artists and designers regional and national.

Outside of developing technical knits for clients and her own research, Victoria takes private lessons on hand run knitting machines, develops knit techniques and patterns for both industrial machines and hand machines.

She runs the Shima and Digital Knit in MMU for the Fashion Institute and also School of art and is on occasion an associate lecturer at The Manchester School of Art and other North West Universities.

Anything knit related, she’s the go to..

To see her amazing works of art, visit her website at

 June 1, 2024 

Bill King demonstrated more double bed techniques and we always look forward to his innovative designs.   

 May 4, 2024 

Bill King demonstrated more single bed techniques and we always look forward to his innovative designs.   

Vista Fiber Fest at the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum

We did not have an April guild meeting or demonstrator so that we could attend and participate in the Vista Fiber Arts that weekend.  It was much larger than that first year. There were several interesting demonstrations, yarn, and many other things to see. There was even an adorable baby lamb.  Our time there was enjoyed by all.

March 2 & 3, 2024 Seminar

Elena Berenghean is a delightful and very creative knitter who is currently living in Portugal. She has worked as a swatch designer (knitted textiles designer) for a London-based knit studio where she spent a lot of her time developing new stitch swatches for clients according to their design brief.  Check out her YouTube channel to see what she is teaching:

She showed a variety of hand manipulated techniques on both the single and double beds, and did some fabulous cables.

February 3 & 4 Workshop

Sarah Etchison presented a wonderful workshop showing us how knit Fair Isle yokes using the garter bar and showed a slide show other styles of yokes sweaters the first day.  The second day she focused on how to knit and calculate top-down raglans.  

November 4 & 5, 2023 Workshop

For our November 4th & 5th, 2023 Workshop, Elena showed us various trims on both the single bed and double bed that were absolutely beautiful, all of which was hand-transferred.

September 2, 2023 Demo

Diana Sullivan says on her website that she is lady CPA in Austin, Texas, but we all know her as a fabulous teacher and an avid machine knitter.  We have had her many times over the years in San Diego for seminars.  She is a wonderful teacher, and has done so much to teach and spread the joy of machine knitting through her videos on YouTube, and in-person and zoom seminars.   Her exceptional videos have reached knitters  all over the world.  Enjoy her YouTube channel:  

August 5, 2023 Meeting Demo

Elena Bergenghean has worked as a swatch designer (knitted textiles designer) for a London- based knit studio. She is now in Portugal where she spends a lot of her time developing new stitches for swatches, knitting garments and teaching via Zoom.  Check out her YouTube channel to see what she is teaching:

For this demo, she taught us the Long Stitch.  


June 3 & 4, 2023 Zoom and in-person Seminar

 The Sarah Etchison Seminar was held on June 3rd and 4th.  a our new meeting place — 8268 Industrial Park Driveway, #301, San Diego, CA 92111.  This was our first in-person seminar in a very long time.  Sarah was a real champ and worked tirelessly showing us some very wonderful techniques.  

Topics included:

  • Neck Down Shaping
  • Sideways Knit Cardigan
  • Shawls and Coverups
  • Combining stitch patterns (combining lace with tuck or weaving)
  • Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Surprise Sweater

May 6, 2023

Zoom and in-person meeting
Board Meeting:  8:00 a.m.
Guild Meeting:  9:00 a.m.
Bill King demo at 10:00 a.m.

More double bed techniques

April 1, 2023

Zoom and in-person meeting
Board Meeting:  8:00 a.m.
Guild Meeting:  9:00 a.m.
Bill King demo at 10:00 a.m.

More single bed techniques

March 2023

Rebecca has prepare the latest Guild Picture Book for 2020-2022.  If you would like a one, you may purchase it here.  Thank you Rebecca! We know it’s been tough getting quality pictures the last couple of years.

February 4, 2023

Demo by Vikki Haffenden 

She’s the Author of ‘Translating between Hand and Machine Knitting’.  Her new book ‘Single and Double-Bed Machine Knitting: The Designer’s Guide’ will be published by Crowood Press in Spring 2023.

Her Website is  She can also be found on Instagram and Facebook as Vikki Haffenden.3

January 7, 2023.  

Marie Bruhat Fair Isle Demo.  Marie showed us her knits and gave us a lot of history and information about the Island of Fair Isle and fair isle knitting. She is delightful!

Here is her  story:

I’m a French Knitwear and Textile Designer living and working on the beautiful remote Scottish island of Fair Isle, Shetland.

Using the traditional techniques of Fair Isle knitting, I’ve created a distinctive knitwear collection some of which will be on sale soon.

My work embraces the authentic style of Fair Isle but with a modern twist. Each piece is made individually from my lovely croft house on the island. Within each garment you will find the colours and patterns of the place I love.  She can be found on the web at

November 5-6, 2022

Zoom workshop with Rebecca Yaker Bird

Wow!  Just when we thought we knew a lot about machine, we learned an amazing technique, combining slip stitch and intarsia!  She is a wonderful, inspiring teacher and did a fantastic job showing this technique.  Thank you Rebecca!

October 1, 2022

Zoom Meeting with Manon Salois  

A most wonderful time was had reconnecting with Manon.  She is such a talented knitter and we look forward to working with her in the future.

September 8-11, 2022


Knitting in Public at the Yarn Crawl

Thank you so very much to the volunteers at MKGSD Outreach during the Yarn Crawl  September 8-11, 2022 at Emy’s Yarns. Kudos to Betty Jo, Trish, Mildred, Carol, Marit, Nathine, Sharon, and Susan.  A small but mighty force.  A BIG thank you to owners Gloria and her husband,  Myer, for having us at their shop, please thank them for hosting us when you shop at Emy’s.

We set up one bulky machine and knit away until the carriage broke. A borrowed carriage was delivered the next day and we were back up and knitting. We had some intense heat, illness, and schedule changes but persevered.

It was so fun to see all the amazing fiber artists. We gave away cute pins made by Betty Jo, and flyers for the Guild with membership and class information for all interested artists. So many people were curious, had old machines, wanted lessons, stopped to chat, etc. A few were trying to get us to make them sweaters on the spot (Myer!).

Verdict on Knitting in Public at the Yarn Crawl: 10/10 would do again.

Susan Lively Klug
Outreach Events Coordinator

Joyce Beers Center

August 5, 2022

Hybrid Zoom/In-Person meeting at the Joyce Beers Center.

Board Meeting:  8:00 a.m.
Guild Meeting:  9:00 a.m.

Zoom Demo by Mary Matz beginning at 10:00 a.m., (view via Zoom or in-person).

Elena Bereghean demonstrated some very interesting lace and cable patterns.  Members, be sure to check out the video of her demo that Trish O’Brien posted on MKGSD Programs Facebook page.

July 23, 2022 Meet-up

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on July 23rd at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

June 25, 2022

San Diego County Fair Entries

Check out our new Photo Gallery!!

June 25, 2022

Last day at the fair!  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen!!!

Going back in time . . .

Please watch this video taken at Home & Hobby in July 2014  featuring Marilyn McGrath and Lyn Lynch who were interviewed while demonstrating machine knitting at our MKGSD booth.  So much fun to see this!!!  Thanks to our member,  Susan Lively Klug,  for finding it.

June 25, 2022

Photo of Lyn and Marilyn at the San Diego County Fair MKGSD booth.

June 4, 2022

Fabulous Bill King Ribber Demo!  Thank you Bill!

May 14, 2022 Meet-up Donations

We met at the park to deliver our fair entries to Mildred and to drop off our philanthropy to Linh Tong.  

It was a beautiful day and Norman and his son (Newton’s Knits) brought a lot of equipment to sell.   In spite of getting a late start deciding whether we were going to have a booth at the fair, we got quite a few entries, and did man the booth, up through June 24th.  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen.

May 14, 2022 Meet-up

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.


May 7, 2022

Fabulous Bill King Single Bed Techniques Demo!  Thank you Bill!


March 12, 2022 Meet-up Donations

It was a lovely day for our March Meet-up at the Bay.

Twenty-four dolls were donated and 38 other items for a total of 62 donated items that went given to Yorkshire Village.

March 12, 2022 – 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

January 1, 2022

Zoom Demo by Trish O’Brien – Circular Seamless Reversible Pony Tail Hat
MKGSD Programs available on  FaceBook. You must be an MKGSD member to join the group:   Please contact if you are a member and do not have access.  

December 4, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on December 4, 2021.

Linh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on September 25, 2021.

Lynh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on September 25th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

September 4, 2021 – Nancy Roberts Demonstration

Nancy Roberts did a fabulous presentation on Zoom for us that was jam-packed with information and enjoyed by all.

Topics covered were:

  • Picking up a Dropped Stitch without a Latch Tool
  • The Human Linker Method for Joining Seams
  • Band Methods
  • St. John’s Efficient Method for Making a Folded Band
  • Garter Ridge for Crisp Fold
  • Sweater Selvedge Treatment to
  • How to Avoid Points at the Bottom of the Side Seams
  • Faux Intarsia
  • Creating a hem to achieve same look on both ends of a scarf
  • Cables using the main bed and ribber bed
  • Woven Lace
  • Decorative Sew-As-You Go Trim

June 26, 2021

Philanthropy items collected for donation!  You all out did yourselves.  There are going to me some lucky people in need who receive these items.  

June 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on June 26th at 
2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

June 5 & 6, 2021 – Sarah Etchison Seminar

Sarah Etchison presented a very informative two-day Zoom Seminar and shared her wealth of knowledge covering the all of major home knitting machine types and their capabilities.  She gave an in-depth demonstration regarding Passap vs. Japanese machine capabilities, explaining the difference between knitting double jacquard on the  Brother and Passap (which is quite a feat on either machine).  She also showed many stitches and techniques that kept us on our toes. Sarah is a wonderful teacher and delight.  It was a great seminar for both the beginner and advanced knitter and was enjoyed by all.

May 1, 2021 Zoom meeting Demo

  • For May, we had special guest demonstration by Susan Adams from
    BSKnitting Designs.   Her demo covered the carriage “buttons” and the variety of textures and designs you can achieve by changing the buttons.  The topics she covered were: fair isle, tuck, tuck lace, slip, tuck/slip, knit weaving, multi-color slip and tuck.  It’s amazing how a single design can be transformed into so many beautiful different textures and patterns.

April 10, 17, 18, 24 and 25th, 2021

Diana Sullivan Generic Knitters Seminar Facebook Seminar

Diana’s Multi-Part Seminar  presented on Facebook was fabulous, entertaining and enlightening for the beginner to the advanced knitter.  She is a wonderful teacher!  The best part is that she will be sending a USB drive with all the sessions to those who purchased one!  Click here to see Diana Sullivan’s Seminar Page for details.

February 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on February 20th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

Demonstration on January 5, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Basic Tunisian Crochet

Creusa did a fantastic job teaching us  how to do basic Tunisian crochet via Zoom.  For those who missed it, please check out the video on YouTube created by Toni from YL Yarn Crafts. 


Demonstration on February 6, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Two-Color Double Ended Tunisian Crochet

We had so much fun learning basic Tunisian crochet that Creusa graciously offered to teach us double-ended Tunisian crochet.   She again did a fantastic job teaching via Zoom, not an easy endeavor.  We learned how to do flat two-color double ended crochet, and how to short row to create beautiful “fabric” as well as how to do two-color double ended crochet in the round.  It is pretty complicated for newbies, so she suggested that if we wanted to learn more, we should purchase Lily Chin’s video on the subject.   Here is a YouTube video by Lily Chin showing some of her swatches.  They are absolutely beautiful.


June 25, 2022

San Diego County Fair Entries

Check out our new Photo Gallery!!

June 25, 2022

Last day at the fair!  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen!!!

Going back in time . . .

Please watch this video taken at Home & Hobby in July 2014  featuring Marilyn McGrath and Lyn Lynch who were interviewed while demonstrating machine knitting at our MKGSD booth.  So much fun to see this!!!  Thanks to our member,  Susan Lively Klug,  for finding it.

June 25, 2022

Photo of Lyn and Marilyn at the San Diego County Fair MKGSD booth.

June 4, 2022

Fabulous Bill King Ribber Demo!  Thank you Bill!

May 14, 2022 Meet-up Donations

We met at the park to deliver our fair entries to Mildred and to drop off our philanthropy to Linh Tong.  

It was a beautiful day and Norman and his son (Newton’s Knits) brought a lot of equipment to sell.   In spite of getting a late start deciding whether we were going to have a booth at the fair, we got quite a few entries, and did man the booth, up through June 24th.  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen.

May 14, 2022 Meet-up

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.


May 7, 2022

Fabulous Bill King Single Bed Techniques Demo!  Thank you Bill!


March 12, 2022 Meet-up Donations

It was a lovely day for our March Meet-up at the Bay.

Twenty-four dolls were donated and 38 other items for a total of 62 donated items that went given to Yorkshire Village.

March 12, 2022 – 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

January 1, 2022

Zoom Demo by Trish O’Brien – Circular Seamless Reversible Pony Tail Hat
MKGSD Programs available on  FaceBook. You must be an MKGSD member to join the group:   Please contact if you are a member and do not have access.  

December 4, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on December 4, 2021.

Linh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on September 25, 2021.

Lynh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on September 25th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

September 4, 2021 – Nancy Roberts Demonstration

Nancy Roberts did a fabulous presentation on Zoom for us that was jam-packed with information and enjoyed by all.

Topics covered were:

  • Picking up a Dropped Stitch without a Latch Tool
  • The Human Linker Method for Joining Seams
  • Band Methods
  • St. John’s Efficient Method for Making a Folded Band
  • Garter Ridge for Crisp Fold
  • Sweater Selvedge Treatment to
  • How to Avoid Points at the Bottom of the Side Seams
  • Faux Intarsia
  • Creating a hem to achieve same look on both ends of a scarf
  • Cables using the main bed and ribber bed
  • Woven Lace
  • Decorative Sew-As-You Go Trim

June 26, 2021

Philanthropy items collected for donation!  You all out did yourselves.  There are going to me some lucky people in need who receive these items.  

June 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on June 26th at 
2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

June 5 & 6, 2021 – Sarah Etchison Seminar

Sarah Etchison presented a very informative two-day Zoom Seminar and shared her wealth of knowledge covering the all of major home knitting machine types and their capabilities.  She gave an in-depth demonstration regarding Passap vs. Japanese machine capabilities, explaining the difference between knitting double jacquard on the  Brother and Passap (which is quite a feat on either machine).  She also showed many stitches and techniques that kept us on our toes. Sarah is a wonderful teacher and delight.  It was a great seminar for both the beginner and advanced knitter and was enjoyed by all.

May 1, 2021 Zoom meeting Demo

  • For May, we had special guest demonstration by Susan Adams from
    BSKnitting Designs.   Her demo covered the carriage “buttons” and the variety of textures and designs you can achieve by changing the buttons.  The topics she covered were: fair isle, tuck, tuck lace, slip, tuck/slip, knit weaving, multi-color slip and tuck.  It’s amazing how a single design can be transformed into so many beautiful different textures and patterns.

April 10, 17, 18, 24 and 25th, 2021

Diana Sullivan Generic Knitters Seminar Facebook Seminar

Diana’s Multi-Part Seminar  presented on Facebook was fabulous, entertaining and enlightening for the beginner to the advanced knitter.  She is a wonderful teacher!  The best part is that she will be sending a USB drive with all the sessions to those who purchased one!  Click here to see Diana Sullivan’s Seminar Page for details.

February 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on February 20th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

Demonstration on January 5, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Basic Tunisian Crochet

Creusa did a fantastic job teaching us  how to do basic Tunisian crochet via Zoom.  For those who missed it, please check out the video on YouTube created by Toni from YL Yarn Crafts. 


Demonstration on February 6, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Two-Color Double Ended Tunisian Crochet

We had so much fun learning basic Tunisian crochet that Creusa graciously offered to teach us double-ended Tunisian crochet.   She again did a fantastic job teaching via Zoom, not an easy endeavor.  We learned how to do flat two-color double ended crochet, and how to short row to create beautiful “fabric” as well as how to do two-color double ended crochet in the round.  It is pretty complicated for newbies, so she suggested that if we wanted to learn more, we should purchase Lily Chin’s video on the subject.   Here is a YouTube video by Lily Chin showing some of her swatches.  They are absolutely beautiful.


June 25, 2022

San Diego County Fair Entries

Check out our new Photo Gallery!!

June 25, 2022

Last day at the fair!  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen!!!

Going back in time . . .

Please watch this video taken at Home & Hobby in July 2014  featuring Marilyn McGrath and Lyn Lynch who were interviewed while demonstrating machine knitting at our MKGSD booth.  So much fun to see this!!!  Thanks to our member,  Susan Lively Klug,  for finding it.

June 25, 2022

Photo of Lyn and Marilyn at the San Diego County Fair MKGSD booth.

June 4, 2022

Fabulous Bill King Ribber Demo!  Thank you Bill!

May 14, 2022 Meet-up Donations

We met at the park to deliver our fair entries to Mildred and to drop off our philanthropy to Linh Tong.  

It was a beautiful day and Norman and his son (Newton’s Knits) brought a lot of equipment to sell.   In spite of getting a late start deciding whether we were going to have a booth at the fair, we got quite a few entries, and did man the booth, up through June 24th.  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this happen.

May 14, 2022 Meet-up

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.


May 7, 2022

Fabulous Bill King Single Bed Techniques Demo!  Thank you Bill!


March 12, 2022 Meet-up Donations

It was a lovely day for our March Meet-up at the Bay.

Twenty-four dolls were donated and 38 other items for a total of 62 donated items that went given to Yorkshire Village.

March 12, 2022 – 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

January 1, 2022

Zoom Demo by Trish O’Brien – Circular Seamless Reversible Pony Tail Hat
MKGSD Programs available on  FaceBook. You must be an MKGSD member to join the group:   Please contact if you are a member and do not have access.  

December 4, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on December 4, 2021.

Linh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on September 25, 2021.

Lynh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on September 25th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

September 4, 2021 – Nancy Roberts Demonstration

Nancy Roberts did a fabulous presentation on Zoom for us that was jam-packed with information and enjoyed by all.

Topics covered were:

  • Picking up a Dropped Stitch without a Latch Tool
  • The Human Linker Method for Joining Seams
  • Band Methods
  • St. John’s Efficient Method for Making a Folded Band
  • Garter Ridge for Crisp Fold
  • Sweater Selvedge Treatment to
  • How to Avoid Points at the Bottom of the Side Seams
  • Faux Intarsia
  • Creating a hem to achieve same look on both ends of a scarf
  • Cables using the main bed and ribber bed
  • Woven Lace
  • Decorative Sew-As-You Go Trim

June 26, 2021

Philanthropy items collected for donation!  You all out did yourselves.  There are going to me some lucky people in need who receive these items.  

June 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on June 26th at 
2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

June 5 & 6, 2021 – Sarah Etchison Seminar

Sarah Etchison presented a very informative two-day Zoom Seminar and shared her wealth of knowledge covering the all of major home knitting machine types and their capabilities.  She gave an in-depth demonstration regarding Passap vs. Japanese machine capabilities, explaining the difference between knitting double jacquard on the  Brother and Passap (which is quite a feat on either machine).  She also showed many stitches and techniques that kept us on our toes. Sarah is a wonderful teacher and delight.  It was a great seminar for both the beginner and advanced knitter and was enjoyed by all.

May 1, 2021 Zoom meeting Demo

  • For May, we had special guest demonstration by Susan Adams from
    BSKnitting Designs.   Her demo covered the carriage “buttons” and the variety of textures and designs you can achieve by changing the buttons.  The topics she covered were: fair isle, tuck, tuck lace, slip, tuck/slip, knit weaving, multi-color slip and tuck.  It’s amazing how a single design can be transformed into so many beautiful different textures and patterns.

April 10, 17, 18, 24 and 25th, 2021

Diana Sullivan Generic Knitters Seminar Facebook Seminar

Diana’s Multi-Part Seminar  presented on Facebook was fabulous, entertaining and enlightening for the beginner to the advanced knitter.  She is a wonderful teacher!  The best part is that she will be sending a USB drive with all the sessions to those who purchased one!  Click here to see Diana Sullivan’s Seminar Page for details.

February 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on February 20th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

Demonstration on January 5, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Basic Tunisian Crochet

Creusa did a fantastic job teaching us  how to do basic Tunisian crochet via Zoom.  For those who missed it, please check out the video on YouTube created by Toni from YL Yarn Crafts. 


Demonstration on February 6, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Two-Color Double Ended Tunisian Crochet

We had so much fun learning basic Tunisian crochet that Creusa graciously offered to teach us double-ended Tunisian crochet.   She again did a fantastic job teaching via Zoom, not an easy endeavor.  We learned how to do flat two-color double ended crochet, and how to short row to create beautiful “fabric” as well as how to do two-color double ended crochet in the round.  It is pretty complicated for newbies, so she suggested that if we wanted to learn more, we should purchase Lily Chin’s video on the subject.   Here is a YouTube video by Lily Chin showing some of her swatches.  They are absolutely beautiful.


May 14, 2022 Meet-up

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.


March 12, 2022 Meet-up Donations

It was a lovely day for our March Meet-up at the Bay.

Twenty-four dolls were donated and 38 other items for a total of 62 donated items that went given to Yorkshire Village.

March 12, 2022 – 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on March 12th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo.  See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

January 1, 2022

Zoom Demo by Trish O’Brien – Circular Seamless Reversible Pony Tail Hat
MKGSD Programs available on  FaceBook. You must be an MKGSD member to join the group:   Please contact if you are a member and do not have access.  

December 4, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on December 4, 2021.

Linh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021

Philanthropy items collected on September 25, 2021.

Lynh collected:

  • 42 shawls
  • 11 scarves
  • 4 beanies
  • 1 blanket
  • 2 pot holders and
  • 7 fingerless gloves 

September 25, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on September 25th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

September 4, 2021 – Nancy Roberts Demonstration

Nancy Roberts did a fabulous presentation on Zoom for us that was jam-packed with information and enjoyed by all.

Topics covered were:

  • Picking up a Dropped Stitch without a Latch Tool
  • The Human Linker Method for Joining Seams
  • Band Methods
  • St. John’s Efficient Method for Making a Folded Band
  • Garter Ridge for Crisp Fold
  • Sweater Selvedge Treatment to
  • How to Avoid Points at the Bottom of the Side Seams
  • Faux Intarsia
  • Creating a hem to achieve same look on both ends of a scarf
  • Cables using the main bed and ribber bed
  • Woven Lace
  • Decorative Sew-As-You Go Trim

June 26, 2021

Philanthropy items collected for donation!  You all out did yourselves.  There are going to me some lucky people in need who receive these items.  

June 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on June 26th at 
2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

June 5 & 6, 2021 – Sarah Etchison Seminar

Sarah Etchison presented a very informative two-day Zoom Seminar and shared her wealth of knowledge covering the all of major home knitting machine types and their capabilities.  She gave an in-depth demonstration regarding Passap vs. Japanese machine capabilities, explaining the difference between knitting double jacquard on the  Brother and Passap (which is quite a feat on either machine).  She also showed many stitches and techniques that kept us on our toes. Sarah is a wonderful teacher and delight.  It was a great seminar for both the beginner and advanced knitter and was enjoyed by all.

May 1, 2021 Zoom meeting Demo

  • For May, we had special guest demonstration by Susan Adams from
    BSKnitting Designs.   Her demo covered the carriage “buttons” and the variety of textures and designs you can achieve by changing the buttons.  The topics she covered were: fair isle, tuck, tuck lace, slip, tuck/slip, knit weaving, multi-color slip and tuck.  It’s amazing how a single design can be transformed into so many beautiful different textures and patterns.

April 10, 17, 18, 24 and 25th, 2021

Diana Sullivan Generic Knitters Seminar Facebook Seminar

Diana’s Multi-Part Seminar  presented on Facebook was fabulous, entertaining and enlightening for the beginner to the advanced knitter.  She is a wonderful teacher!  The best part is that she will be sending a USB drive with all the sessions to those who purchased one!  Click here to see Diana Sullivan’s Seminar Page for details.

February 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your chair
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Bring your lunch

We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on February 20th at 2195 East Mission Bay Park at the Gazebo. See map.  The area is called Playa II and we will meet at the Gazebo.

Demonstration on January 5, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Basic Tunisian Crochet

Creusa did a fantastic job teaching us  how to do basic Tunisian crochet via Zoom.  For those who missed it, please check out the video on YouTube created by Toni from YL Yarn Crafts. 


Demonstration on February 6, 2021 by Creusa Gilmore:

Two-Color Double Ended Tunisian Crochet

We had so much fun learning basic Tunisian crochet that Creusa graciously offered to teach us double-ended Tunisian crochet.   She again did a fantastic job teaching via Zoom, not an easy endeavor.  We learned how to do flat two-color double ended crochet, and how to short row to create beautiful “fabric” as well as how to do two-color double ended crochet in the round.  It is pretty complicated for newbies, so she suggested that if we wanted to learn more, we should purchase Lily Chin’s video on the subject.   Here is a YouTube video by Lily Chin showing some of her swatches.  They are absolutely beautiful.


December 5 & 6th, 2020

Susan Lazear Zoom Seminar

This was our first attempt and holding a two-day seminar via Zoom. Susan did an outstanding job keeping us engaged with projects and ideas of how we can create color palettes from pictures and use them to design colorful garments. She showed us how to determine percentages of each color to be used based on pictures and so much more! It was a fun-filled creative two days and she gave us a lot to think about. We all had a delightful time. Thank you Susan!  Click here to see Susan Lazear Seminar Page.

On November 14, 2020, Linh collected 312 items:

  • 167 teen/adult beanies,
  • 90 children beanies,
  • 30 baby/infant beanies,
  • 13 scarves,
  • 2 blankets,
  • 3 sweaters,
  • 2 booties,
  •  pair of fingerless gloves, and
  • 4 stuffed animals
November 14, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
  • Meeting at the Park
  • Bring your donations for philanthropy
  • Pick up your book
We are planning an outdoor gathering at 10am on November 14th, location to be determined. We will meet to hand over philanthropy items to Linh Tong, receive books from Rebecca Higgins and membership books from Teri Saisho.