Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego
Susan Adams - BSKnitting Designs
March 1 & 2, 2025
12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Follow-up: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
An introduction from Susan:
“I came to Machine Knitting for what I perceived an “instant gratification” and stayed for the abundant creative possibilities. Together with Barb Endler (my now passed away knitting partner). I began BSKnitting Designs and started officially teaching. First instructing at our club level and then traveling to seminars around the US. After Barb’s passing I carried on with the teaching and designing that we both enjoyed so much and have been blessed to find solo teaching also rewarding.
BSKnitting Designs’ unique style of teaching empowers the knitter with more in-depth knowledge of their machines and design possibilities. Technique, technique, technique builds skill after skill which enables greater success in machine knitting. My desire is that you leave my class having progressed as a knitter – and having had fun in the learning.”
Susan will also have a range of her original patterns for sale from her directly.

For our March 2025 Workshop, Susan is going to show us how to do ARAN KNITTING using a Japanese knitting machine, including a double-bed primer (setting up the ribber), reading Aran charts and strategic placement of Aran motifs, using plating to enhance the patterns and ideas for doing a single-bed version which looks similar for folks without ribbers.

If you have any questions about the workshop please email Trish O’Brien at
DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION (Form must be paid or postmarked by February 22, 2025
Discount Member Workshop Fee: $60 (plus $2.68 transaction fee)
Discount Non-Member Workshop Fee: $85 (plus $3.58 transaction fee) You will receive a one-time free membership until Dues are due in May.
Discount Special Student Workshop Fee: $30 (plus $1.59 transaction fee)
Must be enrolled in an accredited fashion college.
REGULAR PRICE (Form postmarked after February 22, 2025 or purchased at the door):
Regular Member Workshop Fee: $65 (plus $2.86 transaction fee)
Regular Non-Member Workshop Fee: $90 (plus $3.76 transaction fee) You will receive a one-time free membership until Dues are due in May.
Regular Special Student Workshop Fee: $35 (plus $1.77 transaction fee)
Must be enrolled in an accredited fashion college.
If you are renewing your membership or would like to become a member, you may pay online using your PayPal account or a credit card. If you would prefer to mail a check, please make the check payable to “The Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego” (MKGSD) and email Marilyn, our treasurer, at for her mailing address to send your check.
First time members, please fill out the Membership form and email it to
Existing members: please contact if your address or other information has changed. Thank you!
Membership Dues (due in June): $35 (plus $1.77 transaction fee)
Family Membership Dues (due in June): $45 (plus $2.13 transaction fee)
First Time Member Dues (Join Oct-Dec discounted membership): $25.00 (plus $1.41 transaction fee) First time Members only.
First Time Member Dues (Join Jan-Mar for half year discounted membership): $20.00 (plus $1.23 transaction fee) First time Members only.
First Time Member Dues (Join April-June discounted membership): $10.00 (plus $.87 transaction fee) First time Members only.