Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego
Zoom Only Two-day Workshop with Sarah Etchison
February 3 & 4, 2024
Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PST
Saturday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. follow up
Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PST
Sunday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. follow up
Bio of Sarah Etchison:
Sarah Etchison began machine knitting in 1977. About a year later she began teaching on a Toyota knitting machine. Sarah has taught at the Knitting Machine Center in the Seattle and Everett area for about 20 years, and has been a freelance instructor for more than 30 years. She is experienced on all brands of knitting machines including Brother, Singer/Studio/Silver Reed, PASSAP, and Superba/White.
Sarah also provides instruction on Cochenille Design Software (Garment Designer and Stitch Painter) as well as Design-A-Knit. Sarah enjoys playing with texture and experimenting with the capabilities of all the machines. She considers herself an ‘enabler’ in that she teaches other people to realize their design ideas on the knitting machine. Sarah also is a self-confessed software junky, and became enthralled with Creation Six, Design-A-Knit and Cochenille Design Studio software.
Topics will include:
- Yokes
- Top-Down Cardigan
If you have any questions about the workshop please email Trish O’Brien at
DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION (Form must be paid or postmarked by January 22, 2024
Discount Member Workshop Fee: $60 (plus $2.68 transaction fee)
Discount Non-Member Workshop Fee: $85 (plus $3.58 transaction fee) You will receive a one-time free membership until Dues are due in May.
Discount Special Student Workshop Fee: $30 (plus $1.59 transaction fee)
Must be enrolled in an accredited fashion college.
REGULAR PRICE (Form postmarked after January 22, 2024
Regular Member Workshop Fee: $65 (plus $2.86 transaction fee)
Regular Non-Member Workshop Fee: $90 (plus $3.76 transaction fee) You will receive a one-time free membership until Dues are due in May.
Regular Special Student Workshop Fee: $35 (plus $1.77 transaction fee)
Must be enrolled in an accredited fashion college.
If you are renewing your membership or would like to become a member, you may pay online using your PayPal account or a credit card. If you would prefer to mail a check, please make the check payable to “The Machine Knitters Guild of San Diego” (MKGSD). First time members, please fill out the Membership form and email for her mailing address to send your check and membership form. First time members, please note that you can pay a reduced rate if you are joining late in the year. Please see options below. Existing members: please contact if your address or other information has changed. Thank you!
Membership Dues (due in June): $35 (plus $1.77 transaction fee)
Family Membership Dues (due in June): $45 (plus $2.13 transaction fee)
First Time Member Dues (Join Oct-Dec discounted membership): $25.00 (plus $1.41 transaction fee) First time Members only.
First Time Member Dues (Join Jan-Mar for half year discounted membership): $20.00 (plus $1.23 transaction fee) First time Members only.
First Time Member Dues (Join April-June discounted membership): $10.00 (plus $.87 transaction fee) First time Members only.